101 Old Testament Survey I
An airplane view of the law and history recorded in the Old Testament. Designed to familiarize the student with the theme and content of each book.
102 Old Testament Survey II
An airplane view from Poetry through Prophecy.
103 Personal Evangelism
This course is designed to teach the student how to reach the lost for Christ. It includes memorization of Scripture and how to counsel the unsaved.
105 The Bible and World Missions
A Panorama of current world missions. The course surveys both the history and practices of missions, as well as, how missionaries use the Bible In their work.
132 The Gospel of John
An outline and expositional study of Christ Jesus our Lord as recorded by John the Apostle. The course studies Christ as the Eternal Word of God, His saving sacrifice and His glorious resurrection.
201 New Testament Survey I
An airplane view of the four gospels, the Book of Acts and the inter-testamental period. This course is designed to familiarize the student with the theme and general content of each book.
202 New Testament Survey II
An airplane view of the books from Romans to Revelation.
211 Doctrine I
A systematic study of the doctrines of the Scriptures, God and the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is designed to provide a thorough grasp of these major doctrines In order to enhance the teaching, preaching and maturity of each student.
212 Doctrine II
A systematic study of the doctrine of man, sin, salvation, the Holy Spirit and angels. This course is designed to give a thorough grasp of these doctrines.
314 Doctrine III
A systematic study of the doctrines of the Christian Church, the Dispensations and Future Events. The pre-millennial and pre-tribulational position will be given careful attention as the true biblical teaching.
321 Christian Education I
The organization and administration of the Church examined by the perspectives of history, basic objectives, general organization, departmental organization and curriculum materials for the total Church program. Attention Is given to practical subjects like keeping records, visitation, follow-up, housing, and equipment; enlistment and personnel training; music and missions.
322 Christian Education II
Pedagogy: Helping teachers to better teach God's Word. Attention is given to the teaching-learning process common to all teaching situations. Practical ways of presenting lessons with audiovisual aids are illustrated. Some attention given to children, youth, and adults.
333 The Epistle to the Romans
An analytical study of Christian doctrine as presented by the Apostle Paul. Emphasis is placed on applying its doctrinal content to our daily lifestyles.
431 First Corinthians
Studies (in outline form) the background and some particular matters of importance necessary for clearer understanding and application in our day.
433 The Acts of the Apostles
The analytical development of the early church by the Holy Spirit. Our early church history is reviewed in Its many dimensions to provide better direction for our ministries of the present.
434 The Book of the Revelation I
An analytical approach to the ministry of Christ Jesus as He intercedes for us in heaven. Also examined are the major periods of future earth history, an in-depth look at the tribulation period, the second advent of Christ Jesus and the consummation. Chapters 1 through 11.
Prerequisite: Two semesters of Doctrine I, II or Ill.
435 The Book of the Revelation II
A continuation covering chapters 12 through 22.
Prerequisite: #434 (RevelatIon I)
436 The Epistle of James
This course is a detailed study of the Epistle of James. The historical background of the book and the message of this practical letter written by James will be developed.
437 Psalm 119
This course provides an exposition of Psalm 119, which is a tribute to God’s Word. Attention will be given to an explanation of each verse and also to matters of authorship, audience, literary characteristics, features, and themes of this wonderful psalm.
440 Pastoral Theology I
Enrollment limited to Pastor-teachers and Elders who have completed 8 units at LABTS. (Deacons may take this course if currently in office). This course deals with proper homiletics (the theology of preaching). A special emphasis will be placed upon church polity, in respect to worship, special occasions and counseling.
441 Pastoral Theology II
Advanced study in homiletics and practical theology.
500 Soteriology I
A comprehensive study of the work of salvation in man. It covers every aspect of the gracious work that God has achieved on behalf of sinful man; the purpose of salvation; its process; its divine initiative and those whom it embraces.
501 Galatians
An intense study of the fundamental doctrine of justification by faith and not by works.
502 Hermeneutics
(Interpreting the Bible). A systematic study of how to properly interpret the Bible. This course deals with the various principles of Interpretation enabling the student to rightly divide (explain) the Word of God.
503 Bible Study Methods
A course designed to teach the student how to Independently study the Bible. Among the methods taught are the Inductive, synthetic, analytical, topical and historical.
504 Ecclesiology
This course gives an analysis of the Church as an organism which is living and growing. Areas of examination cover its constitution, ordinances and activities, both in worship and work.
505 Spiritual Life
This course deals with the day-to-day, moment-by-moment life of a Christian. It is designed to enhance the believer's life in this world, resulting in mature spiritual growth and bringing glory to the Lord Jesus.
506 Ephesians
A careful study of God's masterpiece - the Church - His Body in the world. Unknown in the Old Testament It Is now revealed in the realm of the heavenlies as well as here on earth by our new relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
507 Typology
A concise study of Old Testament types found in Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. Included are types as seen in the Tabernacle, Its offerings and feast. The applications to our personal life and the life of the New Testament Church are then emphasized.
508 Hebrews
A painstaking study of the superiority of Christ Jesus our Lord and the Christian faith above religion. A verse by verse exposition is attempted and difficult questions are examined with proper Hermeneutics.
509 Daniel
An exposition of the connecting book to the Revelation of John the Apostle. This course concentrates on the historical and prophetic teachings for today's Christian.
510 Jeremiah
A careful study of Judah's downfall and certain principles of eternal truth applicable to the present day.
511 Christian Marriage and Family
This course examines the biblical perspectives of marriage in our present day society. Included in this examination are the guidelines necessary for building a solid family unit able to weather the attacks of our society.
512 First and Second Timothy and Titus
This course examines the biblical perspectives of marriage in our present day society. Included in this examination are the guidelines necessary for building a solid family unit able to weather the attacks of our society.
513 Gospel of Matthew
This course deals with the major topics contained in this Jewish minded gospel. Special emphasis is given to the Sermon on the Mount, the making of disciples and the return of Christ at His Second Coming.
514 Genesis
This course examines the foundational reason for our salvation: the glory of God. After reviewing the creation and the fall of mankind, this course helps to describe the plan of God for the redemption of mankind centering on the Abrahamic promises.
515 Manners and Customs of Bible Lands
This course informs and enhances the awareness of the student concerning the background in which the Bible was written. This fuller knowledge will help the student to understand the biblical meanings otherwise lost without clear perception of cultural settings.
516 Cults and Contemporary Religions
This course Is designed to clarify misunderstandings and doubts; and to establish the student's faith through sound doctrine; and prepare him to convincingly confront and refute false teachers.
517 Discipleship
This course Is designed to stimulate a student's understanding of true Christian discipleship as taught by our Lord Jesus Christ. These principles are expected to direct his life and heart towards God's glory.
518 Biblical Counseling
This course Is intended to teach the student how to use the Bible as one's sole counseling tool. Sin Is described in Its full power; and the power of the Holy Spirit of God in arresting sin is revealed and taught.
519 Philippians
This course is a detailed study of the book of Philippians. The historical background and the message of this personal letter of Paul to the church at Philippi will be discovered
520 Major Moral and Ethical Issues
A survey and discussion of the major moral and ethical issues facing this present generation. Emphasis will be placed upon biblical solutions and a Christian world view.
521 Epistles of John
A careful study of 1, 2, 3 John with a view toward understanding its message to the church, both past and present.
522 First Peter
An analysis and exposition of First Peter, with attention given to introductory matters, as well as the epistle's structure, interpretive problems, contents, and message.
525 Christian Apologetics
Studies which identify false philosophies and provide Christian evidences and explain difficult passages.
526 Parables of Jesus
A study of selected parables from the synoptic gospels with an emphasis on following Jesus-Messiah in discipleship.
527 I and II Thessalonians
An in-depth study of the apostle Paul’s two letters to the Thessalonians. Attention will be given to the contribution of these epistles to the subjects of eschatology (doctrine of last things), ecclesiology (doctrine of the church), and to Christian living.
528 II Peter, Jude
A detailed analysis of II Peter and Jude. Special emphasis is given to the structure, argument and message of II Peter with an additional focus on the uniqueness and similarities of Jude.
529 Christology
A study of the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Attention will be given to Christ’s pre-existence, incarnation, earthly ministry (as prophet, priest, and King), death, resurrection, and ascension.
530 Job
The course examines the trials and tribulations of Job and the responses by his family and friends to his suffering. Attention is given to the endurance of Job and the outcome of the Lord’s dealing with him.
532 Mark 1-8
An expositional study of chapters 1 through 8 of the Gospel of Mark. Attention will be given to Mark’s presentation of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, who gave His life as a ransom for many. The concept of discipleship as seen in this gospel of action will also receive detailed consideration.
533 Mark 9-16
An expositional study of chapters 9 through 16 of the Gospel of Mark. Attention will be given to Mark’s presentation of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, who gave His life as a ransom for many. The concept of discipleship as seen in this gospel of action will also receive detailed consideration.
540 Expository Preaching I
A practical course in the methodology of preaching by emphasizing the step-by-step process of constructing expository sermons. The student is given the opportunity to build and deliver sermons. Prerequisites: 440 Pastoral Theology I, 441 Pastoral Theology II
541 Expository Preaching II
A continuation of Expository Preaching I. Prerequisite: 540 Expository Preaching I