Course Descriptions
Required Courses
101 Old Testament Survey I
An airplane view of the law and history recorded in the Old Testament. Designed to familiarize the student with the theme and content of each book.
Required Courses
102 Old Testament Survey II
An airplane view from Poetry through Prophecy.
Required Courses
103 Personal Evangelism
This course is designed to teach the student how to reach the lost for Christ. It includes memorization of Scripture and how to counsel the unsaved.
Required Courses
105 The Bible and World Missions
A Panorama of current world missions. The course surveys both the history and practices of missions, as well as, how missionaries use the Bible In their work.
Required Courses
132 The Gospel of John
An outline and expositional study of Christ Jesus our Lord as recorded by John the Apostle. The course studies Christ as the Eternal Word of God, His saving sacrifice and His glorious resurrection.
Required Courses
201 New Testament Survey I
An airplane view of the four gospels, the Book of Acts and the inter-testamental period. This course is designed to familiarize the student with the theme and general content of each book.
Required Courses
202 New Testament Survey II
An airplane view of the books from Romans to Revelation.
Required Courses
211 Doctrine I
A systematic study of the doctrines of the Scriptures, God and the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is designed to provide a thorough grasp of these major doctrines In order to enhance the teaching, preaching and maturity of each student.
Required Courses
212 Doctrine II
A systematic study of the doctrine of man, sin, salvation, the Holy Spirit and angels. This course is designed to give a thorough grasp of these doctrines.
Required Courses
314 Doctrine III
A systematic study of the doctrines of the Christian Church, the Dispensations and Future Events. The pre-millennial and pre-tribulational position will be given careful attention as the true biblical teaching.
Required Courses
333 The Epistle to the Romans
An analytical study of Christian doctrine as presented by the Apostle Paul. Emphasis is placed on applying its doctrinal content to our daily lifestyles.
Required Courses
431 First Corinthians
Studies (in outline form) the background and some particular matters of importance necessary for clearer understanding and application in our day.
Required Courses
433 The Acts of the Apostles
The analytical development of the early church by the Holy Spirit. Our early church history is reviewed in Its many dimensions to provide better direction for our ministries of the present.
Required Courses
434 The Book of the Revelation I
An analytical approach to the ministry of Christ Jesus as He intercedes for us in heaven. Also examined are the major periods of future earth history, an in-depth look at the tribulation period, the second advent of Christ Jesus and the consummation. Chapters 1 through 11.
Prerequisite: Two semesters of Doctrine I, II or Ill.
Required Courses
435 The Book of the Revelation II
A continuation covering chapters 12 through 22.
Prerequisite: #434 (RevelatIon I)
Required Courses
502 Hermeneutics
(Interpreting the Bible). A systematic study of how to properly interpret the Bible. This course deals with the various principles of Interpretation enabling the student to rightly divide (explain) the Word of God.
Required Courses
503 Bible Study Methods
A course designed to teach the student how to Independently study the Bible. Among the methods taught are the Inductive, synthetic, analytical, topical and historical.
Required Courses
517 Discipleship
This course Is designed to stimulate a student's understanding of true Christian discipleship as taught by our Lord Jesus Christ. These principles are expected to direct his life and heart towards God's glory.