Our History
Many believers had prayerfully looked forward to a day when any Christian, who so desired, would have an opportunity to study the Word of God systematically in his own community. There was a heartfelt need among many to study the Bible in depth; something they had not been able to do previously.
The late Reverend Jeremiah C.H. Rowe was among those who had great concern. Eventually he was led, we believe, by Divine Providence into personal contact with Dr. J. Vernon McGee, the noted pastor and radio Bible teacher. The meeting resulted in the calling together of about twenty-five Christians from many different communities of Southern California who might be interested in supporting such a ministry.
​Out of those initial meetings developed the idea which was soon to become Los Angeles Bible Training School. Initial classes were started early in 1962 on a trial basis to determine if there was enough genuine interest to justify continuing them. The answer was a resounding "yes".
A fully organized evening school began functioning in the Fall of 1962, with a Board of Directors, a president and a gifted teaching staff. Since our start, God has wonderfully blessed and sustained this work to His glory. Praise His Mighty Name!
As a nondenominational institution, the Los Angeles Bible Training School is dedicated to the task of instructing Christian workers in the Word of God. Without regard to denominational affiliation or racial heritage, the Los Angeles Bible Training School endeavors to present each student with an opportunity to prepare for effective Christian service. The school proposes to work in harmony with local churches in the ministry of teaching the Word of God.​The Los Angeles Bible Training School is fundamental in doctrine and holds to the historic doctrines of the Christian faith. It is pre-millennial and evangelical in theology. Finally, the Los Angeles Bible Training School stands for evangelism, missions and practical spiritual living as our Christian service.